Sunday, October 23, 2011

i heart macro Sunday

I'm still using these pictures of my trip to Maine, I took 100's of photos so you will be seeing them for a while.

These are appropriate for the season though.

I did not adjust the color on this photo, the flower did look that yellow in the sunshine.

Maine had the rosiest and most plump rose hips I have ever seen.

Some sort of lobster catching contraption.

I love texture.

Click on the i heart macro badge and visit the other macro pictures of the week at Studio Waterstone.

studio waterstone


T... said...

very nice shots, love the shingles

Kim, USA said...

You have very beautiful shots. And I agree with your rose hips is plump.

Chinese Lantern

Tracey Leeder said...

Love all the texture in the last shot. The rose hips are gorgeous. What a pretty color.