Well that was exhausting, I always under estimate how long it will take to list new items in the shop.
But this was a new record, I now have a total of 645 items in the shop and that does not even include all of the items that have multiples. I am pretty sure this is the most glass choices I have ever had in the shop, so be sure to check out the glass pair and set sections.
Part of the reason I have so many items in the shop is because a week from tomorrow our family will be leaving on the Disney cruise from Barcelona, Spain.
The ports will be:
Villefranche (Monte Carlo, Cannes, Nice) , France
La Spezia (Florence, Pisa), Italy
Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy
Venice, Italy
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Valletta, Malta
and back to Barcelona
There will be a couple days at sea in there and we will have two days in Venice, but most of the ports will only be about 12-20 hours so it will be a whirlwind in some places and other places I will probably be wandering the streets taking photos or sitting in a cafe eating gelato.
If anyone has any advice for me, I have traveled overseas but never to any of these places, please share.
The other reason I have the shop so well stocked is because of Bead Fest in August. I know it seems far away but it will be here before I know it ( I only have 6 weeks to prepare after my trip), and I want to make sure my online customers have a lot of choices all summer.
Other important dates:
I have extended the 15% off sale an additional 24 hours the sale will now end on Tuesday, June 18th at midnight.
The coupon code is GRAD15
This is the inspiration for the coupon, congratulations to our Natalie who graduated from high school this week, we are so proud. She will be attending the Music Therapy program at Nazareth College in the Fall.
All orders received before noon on Wednesday, June 19th will be shipped before I leave on vacation. Anything received after that time will be shipped after I return on July 10th.
Thanks so much for supporting my shop and I hope you enjoy the selection.
Congrats to Natalie, and hope y'all have fun on your trip. Advice? Malta is lovely--since you can't get to the hypogeum probably, check out the silver filigree and be sure to eat rabbit; enjoy the evening walk with everyone in Dubrovnik while eating the best ice cream; and get as lost as possible (It’s not really possible) in Venice—but keep your bearings enough to head for a meal at Al Mascaron on the Calle Longa Sta. Maria Formosa 5225 near one of the most pleasant small squares.
Thanks so much Gale, great information.
Sounds like the trip of a lifetime! I have been lucky enough to visit some of those places before. Barcelona is one of my very favourite places ever, ever! If you have time, you simply must visit Gaudi's Casa Batllo (Bat-yo!), and Sagrada Familia. The Casa Batllo made a truly profound impression on me in terms of Gaudi's use of colour and form, and I would dearly love to go back. The Sagrada Familia is simply iconic, and if you get the chance to go up it, it is so worth it! I was there about 5 years back, and it will be in a very different state of play now from then as they are still working on it. His inspiration of form from the natural world is just incredibly! Rome is a beautiful place - WALK, is my advice, if it is not too hot (it may be - I visited there in January 7 years ago, and it was totally walkable at that time of year!). There is so much incredible art in Italy, but the piece that left the greatest impression upon me (and I'm not religious!) is this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecstasy_of_Saint_Teresa. I found it beautiful, disturbing, fascinating....and I'm still typing about it to you, 7 years later!! Venice is just wonderful - I spent just under a week there when I was 19 - walk around, you won't be disappointed. And it is 'the' touristy thing to see, but San Marco is incredible. And even though you'll be on a boat anyway, I would recommend getting the water bus there - not a gondola, but the bus. It is brilliant and feels quite a bit more authentic than a cheesy gondola, fun as that is! I would dearly love to be coming along with you! What a fantastic trip. I think I would like to visit Croatia next - it is meant to be stunningly beautiful. Try and have a wee go at speaking the lingo too - it's always appreciated, even if it's just 'parlez vous Anglais?'! I have a fair ear for the accent with languages, but an appalling memory for the words, so I always have to break out into English very quickly sadly. It's always fun to have a go though! Bon voyage :-) Oh, and PS, I couldn't get your coupon code to work today.....:-( Did I get muddled with the dates.....?
That trip sounds so fabulous. Have a wonderful time with your family. Inspiring beauty for your art, I am sure. Andrea
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