72 hour sale in the shop starting now.
This sale will last until midnight on Wednesday, March 6th.
Coupon code is THANKYOU15, for 15% everything in the shop.
My usual rules apply for this sale:
- You can't combine this with existing coupons.
-Does not apply to custom orders. But if you get other items from the shop with your custom order I will short out the items from the shop and send you a 15% refund, via whatever method you paid.
- If your order total before shipping is over $50 you still get free domestic shipping, and all international orders get $2.50 off their shipping.
I am having the first Expo Show of the year this weekend and it is at home in Rochester, New York.
We are at a new location this year, The RIT Inn and Conference Center.
Here is a link to the details, please stop by and say hello.
Please check out the second item on my sidebar to the right, if you are coming to the bead show
There is a link to a 10% off coupon that you can print out and bring to the show.
To my etsy customers, enjoy the sale.
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