Monday, September 26, 2011

What's going on in the Studio

I have been making headpins like crazy, lots of leaves and Fall colors. Getting ready for the Expo bead show in two weeks, I will also be offering some of these on Wednesday.

One week away and I have a lot of blog reading to catch up on. Summers Studio had an especially helpful post on etsy relevancy. This post also lead me to a post by Sparrow Salvage on etsy's recent search changes. After reading these blogs, I realize how lame my tagging has been, its a miracle anyone has found me.

I am from that generation (fifty something) that has fallen through the cracks when it comes to computer literacy. Of course, I did not have computers in school or even college, and no I did not get to school on horseback. In my nursing career all patient notes were hand written. A pharmaceutical rep was my next career move, and it was there I was exposed to what was probably the first version of an ipad. It was the size of a large textbook and the physicians that I called on could sign on the screen for pharmaceutical samples, but this tool still did not tell me anything about computers.

I would have to say that over the past two years of blogging and having an etsy shop my knowledge of the online world has increased 500%. In addition to reading blogs generated by people that are extremely computer knowledgeable and share that information freely (that means you Mrs. Waterstone).

So thank you to all of you out there that are so great about sharing information, I really appreciate your generosity.

As soon as I figure out what I am really good at I will return the favor.


Alice said...

I'm right behind you in terms of computers. We didn't have them in school, and I wasn't introduced to one until I had been in the work force for nearly 15 years. Even then it was DOS--just plug in the required info. When hubby brings home a techy device I'm the last one to learn how to use it. And teaching me is so frustrating to my hubby and kids.

Amy F said...

all of those headpins are making me drool