*It's early Sunday morning and I am having a blast at Beadfest, I will tell you all about it when I get home.
Today is the last day for the 15% off sale (coupon code bfps2011) and to enter the bead giveaway, so check out this post and the one before it for the details.
*It's Thursday and I will be leaving bright and early tomorrow morning to head to my first Beadfest.
Remember my 15% off sale and bead giveaway is still in progress until Sunday, August 21st.
Only 4 more days to to take advantage of the 15% off sale (coupon code bfps2011) and to enter my bead giveaway so keep those comments coming.
Here is a challenge for you if I make it to 100 entries I will have a 2nd place goodie bag as well. That's only about 53 comments away, you can do it!
As promised here is the loot for the bead giveaway, a collection of my glass and enamel.
To enter all you have to do is answer a question for me, and leave it in the comments section.
When you are selling earrings do you find that people have a preference when it comes to what the ear wires are made of?
I have always used sterling in the past, but as you all know with the cost of silver being sky high these days I have started to use Vintaj brass ear wires.
If you don't have an answer tell me what ear wires you look for when you are buying earrings.

I will be accepting comments for this giveaway until Sunday, August 21st. I will be randomly picking a winner on Monday, August 22nd when I return from Beadfest.
Don't forget I currently have a 15% off sale in both my shops until Sunday, August 21st.
Coupon code is bfps2011
If you want another entry in the bead giveaway mention my 15% off sale on your blog or facebook . You can link to this blog post for the for all the details of the sale.
Then please tell me in the comment section that you did this so you can get credit for that extra entry.

I am leaving for Beadfest early Friday morning. So this will be the last day I will be shipping orders. Any order made after today will be shipped after I return on Monday, August 22nd. If you are on a deadline and need your items ASAP send me a message via etsy and I'm sure I can accommodate you.
I am still accepting custom orders this week, but I will not be able to start working on them until Monday, August 22nd.
I am so glad so many of you are taking advantage of the shop sale, thank you so much. 15% off is about as high as it gets for my sales so please take advantage.
Such a beautiful giveaway!! I make earrings for friends mostly at the moment and have never had anyone give me a preference. When purchasing I'm never really concerned about the material of the ear wires but I'm not partial to the long, long ones (can't think of what they are called)...simply from a design perspective.
Have a wonderful time at beadfest!!
I posted the giveaway on my facebook page here
t sellmy earrings, but when I have done swaps, I have had requests for stirling because of metal alergies, for my own use I prefer sterling for the same reason, but it doesn't always look good for every earring, especially if using brass or copper in your design
I'm lucky enough that my ears don't seem to be bothered by any metals, so I use what earwire best fits or complements the earring. Though I have not sold any earrings *yet* I do always make the offer to switch them out for anyone I gift earrings to. It only makes sense, I want them to actually wear those earrings, and not be deterred by green earlobes!
Anne, when I did art markets before I moved, most people requested stirling ear wires because of allergies. Also, most people seemed concerned that brass or copper might leave a bit of green on their ears. I find that the cost of making sterling earwires is still quite reasonable even though silver is so expensive now.
I haven't used sterling for quite a while. Now I use copper or brass almost exclusively. I haven't noticed a difference as far as what people buy-its more the style of the earring rather than the what the ear wire is made of. I also do occasionally use surgical steel wires if someone is sensitive to some metals, but they are not as pretty.
I have never been one to use only sterling. I mix metals frequently. I love the Vintaj line so I use them quite a lot but as long as they are sturdy and not prone to breakage I am okay with that. I honor requests if I can for the type of metal but since I don't use just sterling, I find that no one expects that from me. I just got some really nice copper plated kidney shaped hooks from a seller on Etsy that I am trying out. I like them!
Enjoy the day!
I sell a great deal of earrings at my shows and give customers a mix of metals. Some sterling, antique brass as well as steel and copper.
I just shared on Facebook. Thank you for the opportunity to win this bounty of your gorgeous beads!
I generally sell the brass earrings without a problem. I would say at least once each venue, I get asked for more silver earrings. It's probably good to have a large variety. I also think that leverbacks are quite popular.
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
I LOVE your beads! I usually use brass ear wires. When shopping I look for the rounded ear wires. they stay in my ears better.
I use surgical steel or copper, mostly.
What a gorgeous give away! So far I've only had a request for sterling earwires from a friend who was allergic to other metals. When I make earrings, I match the earwire to the earring so I use brass, copper, sterling. When I was a child, I had issues wearing anything that wasn't surgical steel, but I don't have that problem anymore, which is good since I like to wear a variety of metals!!
I use sterling, copper, brass, steel....whatever is around that matches the design. The final cost of the pair is also a consideration. Low cost quick earrings have lower cost earwires.
For beadwoven or wire wrapped, I usually just make my own, incorporating wire from the design. It's easy to do.
i am lucky that my ears are not that sensitive to metals, so i can wear anything. i think use what matches the beads and design of the earrings. what a fabulous giveaway!! thank you. your beads are beautiful.
for a second chance, this will be posted on my facebook page. thank you.
The only preference anyone has had of the earnwires on my earrings was to changemthem from Sterling to anything else as the buys was allergic to sterling. As far as me, when shopping, I try not to buy the boring ones that have been available forever ( you know, the ones with the little ball and the spring-like tube). Other than that, I have't had any preferences about ear wires.
I hope this helps!
I think its the look of the earwire that matters most. If the ear wire compliments the earring, than the customer doesn't really care if its sterling or brass.
I've often had people ask me to switch out sterling for a base metal that is hypoallergenic because they were allergic to sterling.
I find that people prefer to buy sterling earrings, but there some people who don't mind.
I'll say that it might be good to have a bit of everything so peolpe can choose and pay for what they like.
I have shared your giveaway n my FB page.
What a great giveaway - your beads are BEAUTIFUL! I prefer the shorter ear wires and depending on what I am making in terms of beads, I use various materials.
First off. . .OMG I can't believe there were so many spelling and grammar errors in that last post. I typed it from my iPad and apparently, I missed a few keys as well as the auto-correct was acting overtime. SIGH. Please don't think poorly of me. That is NOT my usual standard.
Secondly, I posted about your sale on my Facebook page (facebook.com/CraftyHopeJewelry)
Again, please forgive me of those horrendous errors. I'm so very ashamed!
Hello! What a lovely collection of items for your give-away. I typically use antique brass or silver plated ear wires. I have had much success with both and no one has ever had any issues that I know of with either.
Traci Zeller
Getta Gift! Jewellery
I use a variety of metals when making my ear wires, but make sure that they are treated if they will be sold. I also have used Vintaj ear wires for their beauty and colors. You have done beautiful work, as usual! :)
What a generous giveaway. Thank you for the chance. I find that people usually want "real" metals, be that silver, gold or even copper and brass. Just not "pot" metal.
I tweeted this (@sandileejames)
I Do find that's my most frequently asked question,"What are the earwires made from?" i sell at festivals and art & craft shows. I do make my own "Argentium Sterling Silver Earwires" i like to ball the ends & i find the Argentium balls will no fire scale so much less clean up. If i have beads that match copper ot brass better i make my own earwire with those metals i just could not find any earwire on the market i really liked.The only thing i use the sterling for is my earwires and clasps because of the cost. Thanks for the great giveway & i'm off to see what's new in the shop i have so busy i have not had much time for blogging and i miss my little family so much, things are slowing down and i should be back for regular visits soon.
take care ttfn Lana :)
I almost always use sterling silver because I have very sensitive ears, but to keep cost down I make them my self not only is it much cheeper but you also get to make the ear wires to complement the design better
Your glass & enamel beads are lovely!! I usually use copper, brass or silver - whatever complements the design or stones I'm using.
Mostly I have made earrings using silver plated earwires and sterling silver, which seems to be the most common alternatives here in sweden. I have made som copper earings lately since I like to work with copper but earrings seems to be a bit hard to sell to the people around me.. bracelets and necklaces in copper I do sell on the oter hand. I like the look och vintaj brass so I will give that a try and see if I turn the silver loving Swedes :p
A someone who had to stop wearing earrings (even 24k) due to sensitivity, I only use sterling silver or gold fill for the earrings I make. It seems like there are plenty of people who buy other metals though so I'm probably not much help! :)
I don't make earrings to sell currently, but I've made many for myself and gifts. I've mostly used sterling, occasionally gold filled. I have just started using some brass and I've also found copper colored niobium (I liked those a lot).
I make earrings, head bands and bracelets using beads and buttons of various shapes, colors and materials. No one thus far has given me any sort of preference of the types of earring "metal" that they prefer. I enjoy making things daily, creating makes me feel good. Having an incurable disease, and being laid up for weeks at a time, the one thing I still always love to do, is create wearable art for the people I love. A wonderful giveaway that you're having & they would be of great use to me!
*Lovely Giveaway!*
I always have a few earrings in sterling - people always ask. I am sensitive but Vintage doesn't bother me. I have had people that say they turn green from brass or copper. Having a handful of silver on hand can't hurt and as someone else said earwires are still pretty inexpensive to make!
I make my jewelry for myself, family and friends. Although I have used copper and brass, the most requested metal is silver in a french wire style. Your "loot", as always, is gorgeous!
I find it depends on the venue. The higher end the venue the more resistance there is to anything less than sterling silver.
I have a new fascination with head pins and I see that you have some very, very lovely ones in this collection!
Regarding your question, I have made some earrings, and have not used expensive ear wires. I find that no one has even asked about the content of the wire or said why aren't they gold or silver....
I love to mix my metals too. Usually it is copper and brass. I reach for Vintaj most of the time for ear wires and about everything else. You never wonder about Vintaj quality. I do buy Sterling from Aunali on Etsy. They are so comfortable and excellent quality. I do also have requests for lever back so I use those as well. I was just thinking of your beads when I read this post so here I am.
I use sterling silver and copper earwires most of the time but am starting to use some brass ones too. I haven't noticed any particular preference when it comes to selling them.
Fab giveaway! Not sure I can give any useful input as I don't sell nor use earrings.
A tip would perhaps be anodized niobium or titanium. Not sure about the prices compared to silver, but they are hypoallergenic and comes in many different colours. I've even seen brownish niobium earwires that could be a substitute for copper or brass if the costumer don't want those and silver or steel would be the wrong colour.
I sometimes use earrings for unpierced ears. Nowadays I can find alternatives to the painful clip-ons from my childhood 80's: the old-fashioned screw-backs as well as the less clumsy rings/creols and the now trendy ear cuffs that's put over the ear with loops for dangles that will hang below the earlobe. I think some people that like me haven't pierced their ears don't think about getting earrings because they don't know about all of these alternatives to the huge clip-ons that are available. And in some cases even most fashionable at the moment. Seeing these, they might be tempted to buy some.
What a lovely, generous giveaway! Thank you so much for offering it up :)
As to the earwire question, I tend to use mostly copper in my designs, and so that is also what I use for my earwires. Which I usually make myself. That being said, I usually have one or two people ask about sterling silver earwires due to sensitivitites, so I usually am able to swap them out if requested. I've also just gotten a small supply of brass earwires and are starting to use them a little bit more. Variety, as is commonly said, is the spice of life!
Such a generous and beautiful giveaway Anne!
I find when selling earrings, a lot of people do have a preference for sterling. I know a lot of folk are wary about putting different metals in their ears and in fact, my ears are a little temperamental and don't always like Vintaj in them....although I do persist and wear them anyway, as I love the way I look! I tend to have a selection of both, and price accordingly.
Hi Anne,
So generous of you to do a givaway:)
Most of my earrings have sterling earwires. I also use niobium that comes in several colors, which can be really fun to use. I've had very few customers want the wires traded out and found the ones I make that are unusual, sell the best. Most of the people that want the wires traded are the ones that want clip ons! I always try to have some on hand for those folks. And there aren't many choices for those out there.
I do not use expensive ear wires and so far no one has asked about the wires for my earrings.
gorgeous loot! and great giveaway! I find that most customers don't seem to have a preference but some will ask for nickle free if they have any preference at all.
Most of my friends prefer sterling or Argentium sterling if they have copper allergies. Otherwise, I've only had one person express a downright dislike of copper ear wires. So, I make all three and can wear all three. I haven't tried brass yet but may give them a try, too.
Thanks so much for the contest entry!
When people are buying for someone else they often want sterling silver. For a long time I only used sterling silver. Now I use sterling, copper, brass, and gold-filled. Most people don't seem to care. Occasionally someone will ask to switch to sterling.
I do not have a preference when I buy earrings for myself, but I sell more earrings with silver ear wires, and often people will ask me if I can switch out non-silver ear wires with sterling, usually because of allergies to certain metals. I make my ear wires out of sterling wire with a jig I got on Etsy, and it is cheaper than buying sterling ear wires. Thanks for the giveaway! See you soon at Bead Fest!!
And I blogged about your giveaway! Good luck with it :-)
I have no preference to materials, as long as I have some sensitive ones in stock.
As for Ear wires, I love the look of the long ear wires.
I am sensitive to silver myself, it writes on me. So strange. I have now turned to niobium ear wires for sales using Vinatj metals in them and sterling .925 in all silver earrings. I just price accordingly.
I was at a craft show today and the earrings were priced around $40 were what seemed to be selling so I am not worried about charging slightly more for genuine wires.
I hope I win because I am so broke right now I can't buy anything. We had a $900 credit card bill this month! *gasp*
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