Saturday, June 12, 2010

Shipping changes effective Monday, June 14th

Don't panic I am giving a little sweet with the sour. Effective Monday, June 14th my shipping charges to my customers in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico will be $2.00. I still DO NOT charge for additional items.

Nothing changes with my international customers. There is still a flat fee of $10, and if the postage is less I refund the difference via paypal.
Here is the sweet part. For all my customers from the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico if your order total before shipping is $50 or over, shipping is FREE. For my international customers I will also give you the $2 discount for orders $50 or over before shipping.
Please see my shop policies for more specific information.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via etsy if you have any questions regarding these changes.

A blog post without pictures just looks naked, so here are some sneak peeks of some glass beads that will be coming to the shop this week.


Lorelei Eurto said...

omg i cant even concentrate on the blog post content, I am drooling over the beads. i want that amber set and the discs 2 pics down from the amber!!!

Gabi.Loraine said...

These are great! I love the colors and shapes!